Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Message from Mr. Liem - IB Update

April 8, 2020

To the Largo IB Scholars and Families,

When reflecting back to August, our school year kicked off with great excitement and energy. As IB Scholars, you have been individually and collectively recognized in numerous academic competitions, athletic endeavors, and artistic exhibitions. You became leaders both on and off campus. I am exceptionally proud of your work within our local Largo community. Your volunteering experiences and CAS projects have been amazing to see in action. The verbiage of “thinking globally and acting locally” couldn’t be more apparent this year.

As you are aware, Governor DeSantis and the Department of Education extended their directive requiring all school districts in the state of Florida to close for students through May 1. While we know this extension is not ideal, the decision was made to ensure you, your families and our staff remain healthy and safe. In spite of the Largo High School doors being closed, learning is continuing.

It is unfortunate for our senior class that Grad Bash was cancelled and many athletic seasons ended early. As Prom fell during the school closure and the Senior Breakfast shortly after, those events are pending. Currently, our IB Senior Celebration is still scheduled at the Belleair Country Club on May 26th from 6-9pm and Graduation is still scheduled at Tropicana Field on May 23rd at 4:15. We know that you have put in a tremendous amount of work and truly hope to hold these events to celebrate all of your achievements, however, the safety of all is paramount. During this time, we have to be patient.

Since our transition to digital learning, I have participated in many of your classes online, and watched learning once again come alive. I am proud of your work and flexibility in this transition. Your teachers have been working tirelessly to develop dynamic lessons to engage and support you in the digital learning process. I will continue to communicate via ManageBac with updates as I receive them. Please communicate with them if you need anything, and please be patient with them in the transition as well.

I am confident that the excitement and energy that existed at the beginning of the year will continue to be evident in our new endeavor. If you need anything, please feel free to reach out to me, Mrs. Wolfe or any of your teachers. We entered this year as a family and we will continue to support each other as a family. Please know that we are here for you. We are in this together. We are IB.

For your reference, I have included two documents below, the first is this letter in a PDF form and the second is a FAQ document release this morning by Pinellas County Schools detailing information about the upcoming AP Exams.

April 8th 2020 Letter to IB.pdf
AP Exam FAQ 04.08.20[1].pdf

Alec Liem
Assistant Principal
International Baccalaureate Coordinator
Largo High School

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